Infrastructure Automation for Existing or New Environments.

Our Infrastructure Automation service is designed to help you automate your existing or new AWS environment in a seamless and efficient manner. To start, we take the time to understand your organization and your unique AWS needs. This involves asking key questions about your current infrastructure, application stack, and automation goals.

Next, we conduct a thorough review of your existing infrastructure or plan a migration to AWS if you are not yet an AWS customer. We document all our findings and present them to your organization for review.

Based on our review and your requirements, we then devise a custom-tailored solution that keeps the six pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework in mind. This solution will come in the form of a document that we will discuss in detail with you and use to create a timeline for implementation.

Finally, we will implement the solution, with regular progress meetings to show our progress and answer any questions that may arise. Our aim is to provide a smooth and hassle-free automation process that meets your specific needs and requirements.